Questions for Akashic Reading by Neil Burgess

Questions for Akashic Reading - if you are confused then read this
Why have I written an article with these 20 sample questions? After all you are not expected to ask 20 questions in any one session. I usually recommend that clients ask me approximately 10 questions for a full and informative reading.
When clients come to me for an Akashic Records reading they have lists of very diverse questions. However, a lot of people tell me that they still struggle to come up with a list of their own questions. Some clients are shy about certain subjects and some are embarrassed about events happening in their lives. After a brief discussion with me, and some reassurance that every reading is treated with the utmost confidence, they open up and tell me what is really troubling them. It is better to do this and get directly to the root of the issue than to skirt around it by asking other irrelevant questions. However, a lot of clients ask me if I could provide a list of sample questions as they are not sure how to phrase the questions to fit in with their own life experiences.
It is better to be direct with your questions than to not be honest about your issues. If you come to a reading and are not 100% truthful then your reading will be disjointed and unfulfilling. I have had this happen on a few occasions and have known part of the way through the reading that the client has not been truthful and had to ask them about it. Please do not do this as you will leave the reading feeling very unsatisfied, and I can always tell from your Records if you are not being forthcoming with the truth. To get a full and clear reading then you must be completely open and honest during the consultation
Questions to suit your life situation?
In this article, I have written some sample questions that seem to come up a lot. I have split these questions into 3 groups. These groups are
1.Self Sabotage
2.Past Lives
3. Life Issues
This may make it easier for you to decide whether or not to use them.
Questions for Akashic Records Reading sessions
Self Sabotage
- What is the greatest pattern of self -sabotage in my life?
- Where did it originate?
- How does it play out in my relationships?
- How do I change/ shift or heal it?
- How do I stop this never-ending cycle?
Past Lives
- How are my past lives influencing this life?
- Do I have any limitations or blocks from past lives? If so what are they?
- How can I overcome these blocks and limitations?
- What Karma do I need to untangle from past lives?
- Is there a past life that I can connect with for strength, confidence, and empowerment?
Life Issues
- Why do I feel jealous and protective of my work?
- Why do I feel betrayed when a friend doesn’t respond the way I want them to?
- Why do I get angry with my partner for the smallest things?
- Why does nobody value me?
- Why do I always have a lack of money?
- Am I too young/old to start a new venture?
- Why do I always feel that I have to please others?
- Why does everything I do have to be perfect? And why do I resent others for not having the same ideal as me?
- Why do I value other people’s opinions of me over my own?
- Why do I have low self-worth?
Questions for Akashic Records Reading - Summary
I hope that this article helps you to find the questions you will need to help both your life and your soul to move forward. Please try to remember to phrase the questions around your own personal life experiences to help achieve a more comprehensive reading.
Please check out the rest of my website for information and articles relating to the Akashic Records. There is also information regarding how to contact your spirit guides.
If you want to ask anything about the Akashic Records or readings please go to my ‘Contact’ page and send me a message. There is no obligation for you to book a reading. I will do my best to find the answer to your query and get back to you.
For tips on how to prepare for an Akashic Records reading please click here.
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