The Akashic Records – a Brief Description

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The Akashic Records contain all events and responses concerning human consciousness in all realities

Hall of Akashic Records

What are the Akashic Records?

Many people ask “what are the Akashic Records?”. They are like the universe’s super-computer system where everything is stored in the “cloud”. This system acts as the storehouse of information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. It contains every thought, deed, feeling and intent that ever occurred at any time in the history of the world. However, they are much more than a storehouse of memories. Records are very interactive. They have a huge influence and impact on our everyday lives. This includes our relationships, our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us.

Your personal Akashic Records

Your personal Akashic Record is the energetic “log” of your soul’s journey, from the time your soul originated from the Source until the time when you will eventually return home. Each lifetime provides opportunities. Opportunities to learn and “improve your soul growth as you evolve beyond your daily challenges. Your Record holds the energetic imprint of your thoughts, feelings, memories and actions and deeds experienced in each lifetime. Thus lessons and experiences are created which are necessary for each successive lifetime that will assist in your evolution.

An in-depth account of your journey so far

The Akashic Records are also a personal chronicle of your progression of lives and a history of your soul growth. They can be seen as an in-depth account of your journey from the Source so far. There are many ancient texts and belief systems that embrace Akasha and the knowledge of the Akashic Records. There are many different ways to access the Records whether by mystic means, trance states, or rituals. The easiest way is via the Sacred Prayer that has been passed down from the Mayans.

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce

There are various people throughout history who have accessed the Akashic Records. They have used the information that was contained there to help others. In the twentieth century, psychic and mystic, Edgar Cayce, brought the idea of the Akashic Records once again to the forefront of public awareness. Cayce did thousands of readings with information obtained from the Records. These became known as, “Life Readings”. The route that Edgar Cayce had to take to access the Records was via a trance state. This led to him being known as The Sleeping Prophet. His readings were very informative and successful. Numerous high-profile individuals and celebrities of the age were keen to receive a reading from Edgar Cayce.  For more information about Edgar Cayce, please click here.

Ancient Civilizations and the Akashic Records

Akashic records mayans
In ancient Egypt, Pharaohs were advised on their activities by readers of the Akashic Records along with dream “interpreters”. The high priests of the Mayan civilization passed on the knowledge to their people to enhance their soul growth. Nostradamus, purportedly, gained access to the Akashic Records using methods garnered from Greek Oracles, Sufi mysticism and the Kabbalah.

Various names for the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are known by various names such as The Book of Life, Universal Mind, Collective Consciousness, Book of Memory, Halls of Knowledge, Etheric Records and Repository of Thoth, to name a few.

Akasha is everywhere

Many people think of the Halls of the Akashic Records as a huge library containing books and scrolls and records. In my experience, I have not found this to be the case. For me, Akasha is everywhere and in everything, right down to the smallest micro-organism. It is like the Source, or God, or whatever you want to call it. It is part of all that is, in fact, it is the history of all that is. Akashic Records not only hold our past lives. They also hold information that can take us to our highest potentials. Akasha is love without judgment!

Always use your Akashic Records for the highest good

When you learn how to access the Akashic Records it can open up the opportunity to heal old emotional wounds. These may have been received in past lives and maybe holding you back in this life. You can use the Records for problem-solving. You can use them to help you to reach your highest potential both emotionally and spiritually. If you access your Records with integrity and honesty then more information on deeper levels will be made available to you. However, it is vital that you always ask for the highest good of everyone concerned when accessing the Records either for yourself or for other people.

Further information

For further information about the Akashic Records please feel free to explore the rest of my website. If you do not find what you are looking for then you can always drop me a line by clicking on the button below. There is no obligation to book a reading. You can send me your query via the form and I will get back to you, hopefully with an answer, as soon as I can.

If you would like to have an online reading with me, the easiest way is to click the button below. This will take you to the “Contact Me ” page of my website. You can just type in your name and message, press send and I will get back to you to arrange it. It is so easy!

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