Definition of Grace
Why the Points of Grace were given to us
The Points of Grace were given to us from the Akashic Records as a tool for us to gain clarity, release that whichhttps://globalakasha.com/what-are-the-akashic-records/ no longer serves us and integrate with that which does serve us
Points of Grace as a Stress Reliever
Sometimes in our lives, no matter how peacefully we live, we get involved in situations that put us under pressure and build stress. Through the ages, people have used different techniques to relieve stress from heavy exercise to meditation. These Points are an easily available solution with the least amount of work needed to relieve the pressure or stress. They are not constantly active but they become activated when emotions rise or memories surface that cause us stress. The Points also have masculine and feminine qualities, the left hand representing the feminine and the right hand representing the masculine. You can tell if a Grace Point is active or not. It will respond to pressure from your fingers or thumb. If the Point is painful then it is active, if it is not painful then it is inactive.
Male and Female issues
While manipulating your Points of Grace any concerns regarding female issues should be identified on the left hand. Any masculine issues should be identified on the right hand. To give an example, if a woman was having problems with her brother or son then the Grace Points on her right hand would be more sensitive. They would also be more active than those on her left hand. However, if she was having some problems with a female boss or coworker then the Grace Points should be more sensitive on her left hand. There may be exceptions to this rule as this is just a generalization to help you to understand the Grace Points.
Grace Points can be used without Akashic Records
Another point to note is that you do not need to have your Akashic Records open to using the Grace Points. However, if you do open your Records, the communication with your guides may prove to be more effective. Using grace, we direct our minds towards greater peace and thereby a greater connection to the Source. It is an opportunity to release yourself from toxic energy and belief systems that do not serve you anymore. This process can be difficult at times as it releases pent up emotions. But it is so worth it as it clears you of negativity that you may have been carrying around for years. You can actually divorce yourself from so many people and situations by using the Grace points as a release valve. You can actually heal past lives as well as your present life using the following instructions.
How to use the Grace Points

Before working with the Grace Points it is important to remember that you will need to focus your intention on what you want to clear or release. Then touch the specific points on your hand focus your attention. Apply medium pressure with the opposing thumb. At this point, you may want to say a prayer or ask the Guardians of the Akashic Records to help you find the right words to say. Ask your guides and Teachers for clarity while putting pressure on the points. Also, focus on your breath as this will help you to concentrate your intention.
Point 1.
Point 2.
This is the point of the liberation of the body. It is located at the side of the palm between the little finger and the wrist. Imagine that you were suffering some pain on some part of your body and you had no painkillers, let’s say on a journey. You could apply pressure to this point on both hands to try and release the stress that the pain is causing.
Point 3.
The point of ancestral lineage, it works on the emotions from past events. This point is located on the webbing between the thumb and the index finger. By adding pressure to this point we can release emotions from past problems, beliefs, and judgments. This can be from this life or past life. It is usually the kind of baggage that we collect from our family ties and inherited beliefs.
Point 4.
Applying pressure to this point helps us to clear thought forms that do not really belong to us. Point 4 is situated at the top of the palm at the point between our third and little fingers. It also helps to clear any energy attachments that we make pick during the course of our daily lives.
Asking for advice from the Akashic Records
It could also help you to open your Akashic Records and ask which Grace Points that you need to work with and the reasons why. You can also ask for the Records to let you know when to finish working on a certain point, with a feeling or a “knowing”. At some point, you will intuitively know when to stop applying the pressure to the point.

No need to work with all of the Points of Grace everyday
Some days you will only need to work with one point, other days two or more. Then there will be some days when you will need to work with all of the points on both hands. Finally, there will be some days when you won’t need to work with them at all! The more we allow ourselves to open ourselves up to this process the quicker we can access wisdom from higher realms and healing in our lives. We can also help to discover weaknesses and shortcomings in our ego and divert it towards peace and grace. This then allows us a closer connection with the Source (God).
The Points of Grace are a gift
The Grace Points are a gift from the Guardians of the Akashic Records that provide help and support in our daily lives. It should be noted that the Grace Points are not a “cure-all” and I would never advise you to use this method if you are suffering from depression or some debilitating condition. Please seek the help of a suitably qualified person, such as a doctor. Don’t feel that you should try to cope with this on your own.
Further information
To obtain further information about the Akashic Records please feel to explore the rest of my website.
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