How to access the Akashic Records by Neil Burgess

Why you should try to access the Akashic Records
Access the Akashic Records to reveal information about your soul journey and mission in this lifetime.Uncover information about your life purpose and your destiny. The future is very fluid as it can easily be changed by free will. The information contained in the Akashic Records can give you such a huge advantage by revealing which path to take on your journey. If you access your Akashic Records you may choose the routes that benefit you the most. However, if you want, an easier way to discover this information you can always contact an established Akashic Records reader for a reading, either online or in person.
Why do you need to use a sacred prayer to access the Akashic Records?
If you want to access your own Akashic Records you will need to use the Sacred Prayer as a spiritual key that unlocks the door to a world of information. Some people use other techniques to access the Records but I have found that the Sacred Prayer to be the easiest and effective way to access this information.
Difficulties to access your Akashic Records without the Sacred Prayer
Receiving an attunement to access your own Akashic Records
Use your legal name in the Akashic Prayer
To open the Akashic Records
you must use your legal name so that the correct vibration is obtained to unlock the Records. You may use your first and last name or you can also use middle names as well. For example, Other readers have used Neil Burgess when opening my Records but I have always added my middle name when opening my own Records. It doesn’t seem to make any difference. If a lady is married and is using her husband’s surname then that is perfectly acceptable. However, if your marriage is quite recent you may still want to use your maiden name as that would seem more appropriate.
Can I use a given name instead of my legal name?
The Akashic Prayer is sacred
The Sacred Prayer is just that….sacred! It should not be altered in any way. This is of the utmost importance. The prayer was first given in Mayan and then translated to Spanish, English and then many other languages. After working with the Akashic Records for some time, the Guardians may give you a special, personal prayer for you to use but until then you must keep the integrity of the Sacred Prayer intact. Also just by simply reading the prayer will not allow you access to your Akashic Records. You have to prepare yourself to read it and mean every word of it. You should say the prayer one time out loud and repeat twice more in silence. During the silent re-iterations, you should replace the word “me” with your legal name.
The Sacred Akashic Records Prayer (English translation)

I ask my Masters, Guides and Loved Ones to channel through me, from wherever they are, to say whatever they wish.
I ask the Guardians of the Akashic Records to allow me to open my Records and access any information that I am allowed.”
Say the Sacred Prayer out loud one time and then repeat it twice more silently replacing the word “me” with your legal name.
After you have done this repeat the phrase “My Records are now open 3 times.”
The Sacred Prayer (Mayan Language)
B’a Juntan i Juntan I Jaj Ak’e ni Ixin
Nahatir Che’n Tocot K’oj K’awil Juntan i
Jaj Utom Nak K’ub a I ni
Yaj Pasaj u Cha’n B’ah Ajaw I Olas K’uh
Caniyal B’a ni Tac Chich Man’l taanil ni
Awa’t ta Ox Hun Tac A’al Ox Jajaa’cic C’atiineeb”
Visualization exercise to enter the Halls of Akashic Records
To enter the Halls of the Akashic Records you may want to do a visualization exercise as an aid to help you receive the information. The exercise that I use is as follows:
Golden Energy
Your roots approach a pool of golden energy at the center of the earth and slowly you allow them to dip into the pool. As they dip into the pool some of the golden energy starts to be siphoned up and the energy now is traveling back towards your body. The further it travels the faster it travels. Until it nears your feet where it slows down and becomes a gentle flow. The energy is now being sucked up into your feet and into your legs. Feel the warmth of this golden energy as it starts to rise up through your feet into your legs, around your pelvic area and then up through your spine. It slowly ascends up the spine as a column of light via your root chakra, then it passes up through your sacral chakra. The column of light keeps rising and travels up through the solar plexus chakra until it finally reaches your heart chakra.
White Light
Now take your attention high above your head where an immense, divine, white light is shining. A column of this divine light shines down until it reaches your eighth chakra which is located about 5-10 inches above your head. The light activates the eighth chakra. Visualize it spinning above your head. The column of white light passes through your eighth chakra and enters your head through your crown chakra. White light then passes through your throat chakra and travels down to your heart chakra where it meets and bonds with the column of golden light energy that your roots have syphoned up. Now you have a two-way connection from Mother Earth to Akasha and back again.
Travelling to the Divine light
Visualize yourself, or your essence, traveling up the column of white light until you approach the infinite, divine light. As you approach the white light you will begin to lose any form as you begin to blend with the infinite light and become one with it. Allow yourself to blend more and more with the light. Ask to be taken to the Halls of the Akashic Records. You will be guided where to go and feel yourself drifting in the light. Intuitively, you will know when you reach the Halls of the Akashic Records. At this point, you may see the entrance to a great hallway or library, or you may just see a big book or a few symbols. You may even see the Guardians. This is your own personal experience and it does not matter even if you do not see anything at all. Simply ask permission to enter. This will be granted if your intentions are good but could be denied if they are not good.
Ask your questions and remember the answers
Now you may stay a while and you can ask any questions that you need answers to these could be about your life, past lives and queries about your progression, etc.. At this time try to remember all the information that is being passed to you. This may be via a spoken word, an image, a feeling or via some other method.
Returning from the Halls of Akashic Records
Journal the information
Closing the Records after an Akashic Records reading
Further information
If you require any further information then please feel free to explore the rest of my website. After this if you still have questions you can always drop me a line. Please be assured that there is no obligation for you to book a reading. Just click on the button below. This will take you to the ‘Contact” page where you will be able to contact me via the form on that page. I will get back to you as soon as I can (hopefully with an answer to your query).
If you would like to have an online reading with me, the easiest way is to click the button below. This will take you to the “Contact Me ” page of my website. You can just type in your name and message, press send and I will get back to you to arrange it. It is so easy!
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