What is a toxic energy cord?
Whenever we meet someone new we establish energy links, or cords. These energy cords help us to relate to that person. The more that we link with them the more we are able to read their moods and emotions. When we fall in love or form deep friendships the cords become enriched and fuller. We share in our partner’s or friend’s emotions. We share their joys and sorrows. When someone that we love or think highly of, betrays us it hurts more than it would if that person was just an aquaintance of colleague. Because we have this enriched link it means that that person will now be forefront in our minds.
We all have people in our lives that seem to know how to irritate us or push our buttons. This may be an ex lover or friend that gets under our skin. The energy cord that they attach to us, leaves us thinking about them and dwelling over past scenarios. We just can’t seem to free ourselves from thoughts of them.
It can help if we have a way to set that person free and to cut the cord with no ill feeling. It means that we can also free ourselves from thinking about them and overthinking situations. It can help to release our anxieties about that person. We implant the message in our minds that we are cutting the cord with them with all good intentions. We must do this with respect and discipline. Whenever we undertake any psychic exercise we must always be mindful about the way we should proceed and never wish ill on anybody.
If you are struggling with anxiety about a betrayal or relationship that has hurt you then this video which is a guided visualization may help you to cut that cord. I have used this myself and taught it to some of my students. Most find it very effective.
Please give it a try. I hope that it helps you.
Cut a toxic energy cord -video
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