The video below is a guided visualization to cut all energy cords that are attached to you. It is wise to cut all cords at one time, even those of people that you love. This is because it is much easier and far quicker to cut all energy cords together as there most people have so many cords attached to them. It would be very difficult to identify different drains and their sources. The point here, is to clear yourself of energy drains of those cords that you may not be aware of. After you cut all of the attached cords you can then reconnect with those that you love just by your intention. However, if there is one particular person that you know is draining your energy you will be able to deal with that in a different and more specific way. Just click on this link How to cut a Toxic energy cord
The visualization to cut all energy cords is in 3 parts.
- I hand you a sharp sword and walk you through the process to cut energy cords.
- We invoke the Violet Flame. This is a spiritual fire which will cauterize and burn off any ragged edges and residual energy.
- I summon the white light of Akasha to cover you like a giant cone. This will clean and purify your energy.
This is a short but very powerful exercise. Give yourself some time to process it afterwards, and remember to drink some water to help clear any toxins
The video below is a guided visualization to cut all energy cords that are attached to you. It is wise to cut all cords at one time, even those of people that you love. The point is to clear yourself of energy drains and those cords that you may not be aware of. After you cut all of the attached cords you can then reconnect with those that you love just by contacting them.
The visualization is in 3 parts.
- I hand you a sharp sword and walk you through the process to cut energy cords.
- We invoke the Violet Flame. This is a spiritual fire which will cauterize and burn off any ragged edges and residual energy.
- I summon the white light of Akasha to cover you like a giant cone. This will clean and purify your energy.
This is a short but very powerful exercise. Give yourself some time to process it afterwards, and remember to drink some water to help clear any toxins.It i smuch easier to cur all energy cords at one time than try and find out the cords that contain the drains.
Cut energy cords - video
See also How to cut a toxic energy cord
and Psychic Protection exercises
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