Akashic Record reading – all you need to know before making a booking

What are the Akashic Records?
The short answer is that everything you have ever thought, said or done is stored in the Akashic Records. Yes everything! All of your future pathways and decisions are also stored there too! The “Cloud” is unlimited storage space for the internet. Well think of the Akashic Records as the “cloud’ storage of our lives.
What is an Akashic Record reading and how does it differ from a psychic reading?
An Akashic Records reading is a channeling that can give you clarity and answers to any issues that you may be affecting your life. The reader may be able to show you your highest potential and reveal things from your past lives. We have often made contracts in our previous lives and then some event in this life may trigger us to ‘act out’ that contract again. This why we sometimes have issues regarding money, love etc. You may discover your soul purpose or life’s mission during a reading or you may even uncover what is blocking or limiting your progression in this life.
. A psychic medium may use tools such as Tarot cards or crystals to advise you of coming events. He/ she may use clairvoyance etc. to pass messages to you from loved ones that have passed away. A good medium will give evidence of life after death by describing anecdotal evidence that may have only been known to you and your loved one.
It is always good to be prepared for any reading. If you don’t prepare then you may come away disappointed
What sort of information will I receive at an Akashic Record reading?
The information that you receive will be pertinent to the questions that you ask. If may ask about everyday life events, spiritual events or anything that you have concerns about. If you ask a variety of questions then you will have a more rounded and informative reading.
I am a little nervous that I may hear something that I don’t want to hear?
Akashic Records readings are very positive experiences. You will never be told anything that may disturb or frighten you. The information that you receive will be what you need to hear at that time. You can say at the beginning of the reading if there is a subject that you don’t want to hear about. For instance you might not want to hear anything about your children or a boyfriend. If you state this then the reader will stay away from that subject. You will only get answers to the questions that you ask.
Research the Reader
Before you go for any reading spend a little time finding out about the type of reading it is. The best way to do this is to try and see real clients’ reviews. Look for videos and word of mouth form social media etc. If you know someone who has previously had a reading ask them how they felt during and after the reading. Was it value for money? Did they get answers to all of their questions? Were they made to feel comfortable and was everything explained well?
You may want to shop around! There are a lot of different price ranges in this field. Some readers want to attract a more affluent type of client and this is reflected in their prices. Others may have built a high reputation and want to be exclusive. Don’t be fooled into thinking that that the more expensive a reading is, the better it is. Always go by reputation and value for money!!
What type of reading do you want?
As previously discussed, an Akashic reading is very different to a clairvoyant or a Tarot card reader. Do you want to know your future for the next year? Are you going to meet your future partner? These types of questions are for a Tarot card reader.
Do you want contact with loved ones who have passed away? Do you want a message from them? These are questions for a clairvoyant/ medium.
Do you want to know your life purpose? Why are you in a cycle of events that you can’t seem to break free from? Do you want to know about past lives? How can I improve my life? These are the types of questions to ask from the Akashic Records.
Always think what you want to ask before hand and prepare a list of questions
You need to think about what you would really like to know. If you have difficulty at this point you can check out this link
Your questions should be open ended. If you ask questions that just require yes or no answers then you may have a very short reading! You may want to begin your questions with how, why, and what?
Think about what information you might need to make your life better. Do you need direction in your career? What are you learning from your current relationship? Are you in a cycle that you can’t seem to break?
Record your Akashic Record Reading
A lot of information is relayed to you in a reading. It would be very difficult for you to remember everything that you were told. Take your phone or a voice recorder and ask the reader if that is ok with them. If the reading is online the Skype and Zoom have excellent recording facilities. Afterwards I would recommend waiting at least 24 hours before listening to the recording. You may not want to listen to the recording over and over. It is often a good idea to listen to the recording and jot down the highlights. This is a good way to check things at a later date, rather than trying to find the part that you want in a recording.
A reading is just advice
You don’t have to act upon any information that you receive in a reading! The advice that you receive will help you along your journey but remember that the choices are for YOU to make. A reader can reveal different paths to you but it is always your decision on which path you choose. You are in charge of your own life!
If you think that an Akashic Records reading is for you then go in with an open mind. Be prepared, have your questions prepared. You are paying for this service so have a look for a Reader who gives good value for money. Most of all, enjoy it!
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