Why should you have an Akashic Records reading?

Sometimes people ask me why clients come to me for an Akashic Records reading. Well, clients come for a variety of reasons but usually, they are either stuck on their life path or have some decisions that they may need help with. However, the one thing that every client wants above everything else is clarity! It may be in different aspects of their lives but they are all searching for it. It is my job as an Akashic Records channeler to provide as much information and advice as I can. I have listed below the top ten reasons why people come to me for a reading.
- Clarity
- Relieve Anxiety
- Explore and clear karma
- To be motivated and inspired
- Know your true purpose in life
- Identify and discard old beliefs that don’t serve you
- See your life from a different angle and therefore change it for the better
- Receive healing from the Akashic Records
- Aid in making decisions
- Awesome experience
If you need help in making decisions or feel stuck in a situation such as a bad job or relationship then you may help and advise to help you maneuver the situation. It may be that you feel stuck in some part of your life or that something just isn’t working for you. The Akashic Records hold a lot of information that can reveal new and positive pathways. If you feel that you are not on the path for your highest good then the Akashic Records can show you how to move from the path that you are now on, in a positive way, and reveal the path to achieve your highest potential. Clarity can remove any fear of the future and give you the confidence that you need to move forward.
Relieve Anxiety
A lot of clients who come to see me are very anxious about events that have happened, or about to happen, in their lives. Some are hesitant to tell me what they are worried about. Every reading is strictly confidential between the client and me. I have to know what is causing the anxiety so that I know what to look for in the Akashic Records. After I have explained this, clients relax and tell me their stories. The channeling is so much easier and flows better when I know exactly what is trouble is. I feel that a part of my role is to help to find the root of the worry and from this to identify the way forward for the client. Once I have achieved this then I can see the anxiety lifting and the client relaxes as he /she processes the information that is channeled.
Explore and clear your karma
Some people have events that keep occurring in their lives over and over again. Maybe they are attracting the wrong type of partners or are stuck in a rut of bad jobs and bad luck. I believe that, sometimes, these events are often caused karmically by events or contracts that we have made in past lives. An Akashic Records reading can uncover these contracts and give clients the opportunity to cancel them and untangle or clear their karma. This often gives very positive results and clients report profound changes in their lives.
Be motivated and Inspired
As an Akashic Records channeller, I take the responsibility of inspiring my clients very seriously. I have clients that have moved house, changed jobs, gone traveling, and many more things, following their readings. They send me emails telling me of how they were motivated to change their lives and do things that they really wanted to do but were just scared to take the first steps. One man, in particular, wrote and thanked me so much for his reading because, he says, that I showed him something that was missing from his business ventures and now he is making “life-changing” money. Another lady wrote to let me know that she had changed her job, that she hated and is now working with, and empowering, young women. These people have given me permission to share this information. There are many others whose lives have been changed in a very positive way following their reading.
Know your life purpose
This is one question that everyone asks. The Akashic Records have shown me that every soul is important. Most of us just amble through life reacting to whatever comes our way. However, if you know your highest potential and what you could achieve would this change your life? For some people, the answer is 100% yes. Others say that they would like to live their life purposefully but are not ready to give up certain aspects of their lives to achieve this. Then there are those people who are diverted from their life’s purpose in major ways such as drug addiction, prison, or events beyond their control.
Knowing your life’s purpose does not mean that you have to follow that path or even try to achieve it. But knowing your purpose can certainly change your viewpoint on life and drive you in the right direction. You can achieve many things that you wouldn’t have even considered before this knowledge was revealed.
Identify and discard old beliefs that no longer serve you
We learn many things in our formative years that get embedded in our psyche. Things such as prudish attitudes, racist behaviour, negative attitudes towards money are turned into our belief structure. We end up turning these learned behaviours into our moral codes and the blueprint with which to live our lives. Some of these have a real negative effect on our soul progression and stop us from moving on spiritually. These “beliefs” need identifying and working on so that we no longer depend on them as the way to live our lives. They are all in your Akashic Records and if you ask they can be revealed to you. Thus allowing you to work on them and better your standard of life.
See things from a different angle
We all live most of our lives in our own heads. We get fixed ideas about ourselves and those around us. The Akashic Records will show the real you, without any judgement. They will not criticize or chastise but they will reveal what you need to know about yourself in order for you to see how important you are and how your own perceptions of yourself may be restricting you. You are important or else why would there be a record of your journey? Think about that one!!
An Akashic Records reading can act like a balm. It can help to soothe your worries and help you to help yourself. You cannot fail to receive healing from the Records, whether it be on an emotional, physical, mental, or karmic level. The information that is given to you is specifically for your wellbeing, to help you to heal from your past and move into the future with confidence.
An aid in decision making
Maybe you have come to a crossroads in your life and you need help in choosing which path to take. The Akashic Records hold information about your past, present, and future. This information will aid you in making the right choice. The Records will only share information for your highest good. Sometimes our minds disagree with what we are told in a reading, that is ok! Remember that it is only advice and you have a free will to make your own decisions. There is absolutely no judgment in the Akashic Records.
Awesome Experience
I get most of my clients recommended via word of mouth. This affirms that they have had a great experience from their reading and want their friends to experience it too. Most customers leave a reading feeling very positive and motivated. The new clients tell me how much their friends loved the experience and recommended it to them. I try and give as much time and information that I can into every reading and it makes it is so rewarding to hear that clients have had an awesome experience with me. How can they not be happy when all of the information is waiting to help them on their life’s path?
Further information
If you require any further information about the Akashic Records or about a reading, please feel free to explore the rest of my website. There are many articles about the Akashic Records and other spiritual matters. There are articles telling what sort of questions to ask and what to expect from a reading. You can also see video testimonies and reviews of real clients who have taken the time out of their lives to leave the reviews.
If you can’t find what you are looking for then just drop me a line. You can do this by clicking the button below. This will take you to my “Contact” page. At this point please note that there is no obligation to book a reading. Just send your enquiry via the form on that page and I will try to get back to you, as soon as I can, hopefully with an answer to your question!
For tips on how to prepare for an Akashic Records reading click here.
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