What are the Akashic Records Benefits

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by Neil Burgess
Akashic Records Benefits

Akashic Records Benefits


Accessing the Akashic Records has many benefits. The records are a source of unlimited information that can be used for guidance in our lives. The Records can guide us through many decisions and choices that we need to make during the course of our lives. The Akashic Records are non -judgmental and only provide clear options and possibilities.

Grace Points

points of grace locate
When we are met by obstacles we can use the Grace Points. The Grace Points were actually passed on to us from the Akashic Records. They help to release the stress caused by past events and to retain the new information that we receive.

Akasha elevates our work

The Akashic Records can be used with any other healing technique. I use to them to assist me in Reiki healing sessions, massage sessions and even in tarot sessions. I sometimes use the Records to help inspire me in my hobbies. When I want to paint a new water colour I open my Records to help me to improve the painting. It never ceases to amaze me how much my work, whether it be healing, massage or painting is elevated to a new level. If you are a writer then you could ask for appropriate Masters to guide you. If you are a musician then you could ask for specific Masters for their expertise.

Akashic Help in troubled relationships

Troubled relationships can also be healed with the help of the Akashic Records, even if the other person has passed on. With our permission our Guides will help to create a dialogue between us and the person that we had a troubled relationship with. In my case, it wasn’t a troubled relationship but the lack of knowledge and misinformation about my father who had died at an early age. I have only love and respect for him now. It has also helped me to forgive past, perceived, transgressions against me by family members. It released a burden that I had unknowingly been carrying around for years.

Akashic Records offers a change of perspective

These issues feel very difficult to deal with when they are first brought to our attention from the Akashic Records. Then something magical happens and we begin to see things the way they really were instead of just seeing it from our own point of view. An example of this may be that someone you once considered to be your friend, said or did something that you felt betrayed by. At that time you were so hurt that you weren’t prepared to listen to their side of the story. You could only blame them for the pain that they had caused you. The Akashic Records can help you see the past event from a neutral point of view. This may help you to see that maybe your friend was acting in your best interest. You can then process this new information and make appropriate apologies both to your friend and yourself. The burden will be lifted and the situation healed.

Constant Learning

Akashic book
Working with the Akashic Records will give you a feeling of being supported and loved. Your Masters, Guides and Loved Ones will always be there for you and they will never let you down. You can go on a great journey of self- discovery and have a previously untapped vault of knowledge at your disposal. Throughout our lives we are constantly learning and have an ever increasing desire for knowledge. This is human nature. We read books, watch documentaries, listen to new music, go to lectures etc. and we invest our time and emotions on learning new theories and beliefs. New synapses are created in the brain and new belief systems are born. When we emotionally invest in the information it becomes more relevant to us and then ingrained in who we are.

Emotional Investment

It is this emotion that makes all that we learn an inspiration to not only ourselves but to others as well. Have you ever been to a lecture where the speaker just reverberates what is on a Power Point presentation. There is no emotional investment and the lecture is always boring. However, when a speaker is so emotionally invested in what he is presenting that he inspires you to adopt his beliefs in what he is talking about.

The Akashic Records are inspiring

When you have the information being directly fed to you from your Master, Guides and Loved Ones from the Akashic Records it is very inspiring. I have clients that come to me seeking answers. When I give them a reading from their own Records it is always emotionally charged. The energy of the Akashic Records is intensely charged. It is inspiring and motivational! I am always able to direct clients to their highest potentials because the information that I pass on is so charged that it inspires them to walk the path that will lead them to reach their highest ambition.

Case Study

Case Study hat
I remember one consultation in particular. He wanted to know what his main purpose in this life was.The client was unhappy with his headware business and had lost the emotion that had driven him to do this work. Most of his questions were about his business and how to improve it. One question was about his very young daughter, who he described as having challenging behavior. When I opened his Akashic Records his Guides told me that his daughter was a “Star Child”. She would be able to achieve anything that she put her mind to. She would be able to play the piano, paint and most importantly later in life she would be addressing large crowds of people. Most of the reading was about this special, beautiful child. The client’s Guides even said that she would be able to design a very successful range of childrens’ hats, if he gave her the opportunity. The client was overjoyed with this idea. It had never occurred to him to encourage his daughter to design a hat. His main purpose of this life was to try to earn a lot of money. This was to enable him to raise his daughter to the best of his ability.The client said that the reading had made him very happy in ways that he hadn’t expected. The little girl had already started to learn to play the piano, has started painting and was studying 2 different languages at the age of 5. The questions that he asked, all became the secondary focus. He realized that his daughter was the main priority before his business. He just kept grinning and said that he couldn’t wait to see what design his daughter would come up with!

Akasha heals at the root of the problem

Even just sitting in the energy of the Akashic Records can help you heal as they contain all the necessary components to heal you. This means that you can revisit historic issues in your life that may require healing. Patterns of addiction or destructive cycles where you end up in toxic relationships can only be healed when the root to the behavior is uncovered. Sometimes triggers make us act in uncharacteristic ways and block us from getting to the root as it may be too painful. The Akashic Records can expose the root and allow you to heal it if . In order to get to the root you must ask questions. Lots of questions. Answers then lead to more questions until, eventually, the source of the cycle or addiction is revealed. The whole basis of retrieving knowledge is on a question and answer basis.

For more information or how to booking a reading

If you require any further information about the Akashic Records or a reading please click on the button below. There is no obligation to book a reading. You can send your inquiry via the form and I will do my best to get back to you with an answer as soon as I can.

If you would like to have an online reading with me, the easiest way is to click the button below. This will take you to the “Contact Me ” page of my website. You can just type in your name and message, press send and I will get back to you to arrange it. It is so easy! My rates are highly competitive as customer satisfaction is my goal.

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