Psychic Protection and the importance of protection exercises

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by Neil Burgess

Attachments and negative energy

As we develop spiritually we also develop a higher sensitivity and therefore need safeguards against psychic attacks. We become more and more aware of any negative energies that are around us. As we do so, the need for psychic protection and protection exercises becomes increasingly important.


We may become aware of any attachments that try to steal our energy. An attachment is an entity that can drain your energy or change your moods. Before our sensitivities are intensified we are unaware of them. When they attach themselves to us we may have just put it down to “having a bad mood”, or “just feeling under the weather”. However, the more sensitive that we become the more we feel the effects of attachments and of negative energy.

Be Mindful

Part of my my job is to help people who may, unknowingly, have such negative energies attached to them. There are many methods to rid ourselves, and others, of these drains. However, when working with clients we must be mindful not to allow anything to be pulled off them to attach itself to us. Sometimes it happens before we even notice. We get preoccupied with helping our clients that we may forget that negative entities can attach themselves to us

Be Vigilant

It can difficult to determine if something has attached itself to us if we were not expecting to feel this negativity draining us. Sometimes we assume that the client needed more energy than we could channel and that they received some of our own energy. This is, usually, not the case. More often than not, the negative energy will seek another body to attach itself to (us) and we will unknowingly allow it to happen as we are concentrating on giving the client our full attention.

How do we create psychic protection?

As we develop more and become more aware of these hazards we safeguard against such events happening to us by using protection exercises. Psychic protection, in its purest essence, is the power of the mind. To create protection around our auric field we have to do so via our minds and intention. It would not be very effective to think of a protection exercise and not have the intention of using it to its full potential.

How to strenghten your psychic protection

Sometimes people may have ill will towards you and send out offensive thought forms in your direction. If your protection (mind power) was strong then negative thoughts by others or psychic attacks will not harm you. How do you make your protection strong? You have to practice it every day, sometimes more than once until it has been reinforced to an extent where you barely need to think about it to activate it. Your intention to block any negativity would be immensely more powerful than that of the sender. As they would be unaware of your protection, the attack would be futile. If you didn’t have protection in place then you would be wide open to any negative or psychic attack.

Positive attitude and affirmations

Negative entities and attachments feed on our fears. The more scared we get, the more powerful they become. This starts a cycle that can make us feel depressed and useless. A positive attitude and affirmations can help to protect against this. We are able to feel the fear but not succumb to the negative feelings. Any attachment would then have very little to feed on and will soon leave. It is so important to have a detachment from our clients. We may have empathy for them but we should not allow unnecessary attachments. If we do then we may let ourselves get depressed or feel down when we hear our clients’ stories of sickness and depression. We must be compassionate but stay unattached from their feelings. This is vital to stay protected!


Addictions are another way that entities attach themselves to us. When we are kept in a cycle of addiction then we lose a part of our strength and wellbeing. We are easily fed upon as our resolve has been diluted by the addiction. If the addiction involves us not being fully in control of our bodies such as with alcohol and drugs then our situation becomes a lot worse. Our dependence on an outside influence is a chink in our armor and it is easier for negativity to infiltrate our auras and attach itself to us.
aura protection

Don’t engage in pessimism

Negativity, in any form is destructive to our well-being. If we engage in pessimistic thoughts then we are creating attachments that can stick to others as well as ourselves. If we create unfavorable thoughts towards other people, those thoughts are created in our own minds and therefore hurt us. The more gloomy thoughts that you project the darker your life becomes. It will start to affect every corner of your life including relationships, work, and your home life. The negativity will begin to consume you!

Clean your space!

As a healer, it is very important to undertake energy cleansing exercises of both yourself and your environments. This will clear away anything that has stagnated either on you or in the spaces that you occupy. There are many ways to clean space but a few easy ways would smudge by burning sage, palo santo or incense.

Protection Exercises

1. Aura protection

psychic attack

Imagine that your aura is encased by an egg or a bubble. The shell of the egg is not hard, it is very soft and ethereal, like gossamer. Envisage this softshell in purple. Now give the egg the intention that the only things that can enter the egg are those which you have invited. You can expel any undesirable elements from inside the egg. This means that your protection is now semi-permeable to energies and the deciding factor of what enters and exits the egg is YOU. Continue this visualization by coating your egg, or bubble, with silver. This is to reflect any negativity that may be heading your way. Finally, add a coat of gold as permanent protection. Practice this exercise every morning for 40 days.


psychic protection

This is a very easy and effective exercise to use when you feel any negative energy coming towards you. Let’s say that you find yourself in an argument with someone and they are being horrible towards you. In any argument, the winner always steals energy from the person who has lost the argument,.This is why the loser of the argument always feels deflated afterward. To prevent this happening, you should imagine a one- way mirror in between you and the person sending the negativity. The reflective side of the mirror is facing the other person. This reflects all negativity back on to them and also strengthens your position. The non-reflective side is facing you. This acts as a block against negativity. It is an exercise to strengthen your mind power.

3. Smudging


You can use sacred herbs such as white sage, frankincense, sweet grass or palo santo. To cleanse a space you just need to light the herb and allow it to burn a little so that it creates smoke. Then place the burning herb over a ceramic bowl to prevent hot embers or ash falling on the floor. Waft the smoke around the space using a feather, smudging fan or other objects to allow it to fan out around the room. Just walk slowly around the space, fanning out the sacred smoke as you go.
To smudge a person, you should follow the initial steps of lighting the herb and placing it in a bowl. Ask the person who you will smudge to stand with their arms and legs spread out. Fan the smoke from head to toe in front of the person, then do the same at their rear, ensuring that you pass the bowl around their arms and legs. Ask the person to lift their feet so that you can smudge around those as well. Ensure that you smudge the space above their head as well.


Here are some affirmations to create positivity in your life;

Today I will not stress over things I cannot control

I am worthy enough to follow my dreams and manifest my desires

I love myself. I believe in myself. I support myself

I will attract those that help me reach my goals

I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing

I will succeed

I have the power to create change

I know what I want

I am healthy and filled with energy


I use these exercises a lot. The mirror exercise is a particularly quick and useful tool. I can remember when I was studying at an international college for psychic studies. Another student warned me about a lady that would sit next to people and drain their energy. She did this by sitting next to her “victim” and yawning. That person would then automatically yawn and at that moment she had some way of poaching some of their energy. The day came when she sat next to me. Before she yawned I placed my imaginary mirror in between us. She then yawned and looked surprised when I didn’t. She then made an excuse and moved to sit next to somebody else! Practice these protection exercises to avoid negativity. Strengthen your mind to avoid psychic attacks. Smudge yourself, clients and spaces regularly to clear away any energy that may be sticking. Finally, have a positive mindset and reinforce it with positive affirmations. These exercises will help to protect you. 

Please feel free to explore the rest of my website.  there is a lot of information about things such as the Akashic Records and how to channel your spirit guides.

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