Akashic Records Prayer - access the Akashic Records
Access the Akashic Records using the Akashic Records Prayer

This is the ‘Akashic Records Prayer” and saying it should let you access the Akashic Records. However, some people may need an attunement or to take a course in opening the Akashic Records prior to this. This is just one of the tools that we use to open the Records.
“I ask God to place His protective shield of love and truth around me permanently so that only the love and truth of God will exist between you and me.
I ask my Masters, Guides and Loved Ones to channel through me, from wherever they are, to say whatever they wish.
I ask the Guardians of the Akashic Records to allow me to open my Records and access any information that I am allowed.”
Repeat this prayer 2 more times silently, replacing the words ‘me’ or ‘my’ with your name
“I ask God to place His protective shield of love and truth around{ my name) permanently so that only the love and truth of God will exist between you and me.
I ask the Masters, Guides and Loved Ones of (my name) to channel through me, from wherever they are, to say whatever they wish.
I ask the Guardians of the Akashic Records to allow me to open the Records of ( my name) and access any information that I am allowed.”
“I ask God to place His protective shield of love and truth around{ my name) permanently so that only the love and truth of God will exist between you and me.
I ask the Masters, Guides and Loved Ones of (my name) to channel through me, from wherever they are, to say whatever they wish.
I ask the Guardians of the Akashic Records to allow me to open the Records of ( my name) and access any information that I am allowed.”
After you have done this repeat this phrase 3 times
“My Records are now open”
“My Records are now open”
“My Records are now open”
Ask your questions
After you have said the Akashic Prayer, also known as the Sacred Prayer, you can begin to seek answers to your questions.
I find that it is best to write the questions down before you say the Akashic Prayer, and then write down the answers that you recieve. Don’t worry if you think that it is just your own imagination making up the answers. A lot of people go through this. Just persevere and keep writing. This serves 2 purposes. 1. You will push passed the thoughts in your own mind and allow the inspiration for the Akashic Records to follow.. 2. You will have a journal of your progress for future reference.
Closing the Akashic Records Prayer
After you have received the advice or information that you requested you should close the Akashic Prayer with gratitude by say the following statement.
“I thank my Masters, Guides and Loved Ones for the information that they have given me today. I also thank the Guardians of the Akashic Records for allowing me to open my records and access the information for my highest good.
My Records are now closed
My Records are now closed
My Records are now closed.
The Akashic Prayer as a tool
Please remember that the Akashic Prayer is justa tool with which to access the Akashic Records. It links together with other tools such as Akashic attunements, meditative practices and training sessions. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t succeed in opening your Akashic Records just by saying this prayer as there are many ways to accessing the Akashic Records and you may need to explore more than one way.
Variations on the prayer
There are many variations on the prayers that are used to access the Akashic Records. Some practitioners download there own prayer from the Records. I find that the original Sacred Prayer works well for me. However, if you want to look at other prayer opening options please click on this link in my Blog.