A Brief History
by Neil Burgess

Edgar Cayce was born in 1877 on a farm in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. According to one story, at the age of nine Edgar found himself unable to spell the word ‘cabin’ which brought a reprimand from the teacher Lucian, his uncle. At home that evening Edgar’s father tried to teach him the basics of spelling, but the boy was unable to learn. Losing all patience his father then lashed out at Edgar knocking him off his chair. Edgar later said that lying on the floor he clearly heard a voice that said ‘If you sleep a little, we can help you.’ He then slept with his spelling book under his head. When he awoke he found that he apparently knew every lesson in the book and could repeat each one word for word. This amazing ‘talent’ was to remain with Edgar for the rest of his life; it was claimed that he only had to sleep with a book under his head and he would awake knowing everything it contained.
First Hypnotic Trance
In 1900 Cayce was working as a salesman for an insurance company when he contracted laryngitis. He was unable to work because of this and the doctors told him he would never completely recover his voice. In desperation, he turned to local amateur hypnotist Al Layne for advice. In a trance, it is alleged that Edgar was able to describe the conditions which had caused partial paralysis of his vocal cords. He was also able to prescribe a cure that involved restoring increased circulation to the inoperative muscles and nerves. During the next twenty minutes,
his upper chest and throat became a fiery red. Edgar instructed Layne to order his circulation to return to normal. When he came out of the trance a few minutes later, his voice was completely restored.
No Medical Experience
Without any medical experience whatsoever, Cayce went on to perfect this healing ability to help others, though it is important to remember that he claimed not to heal
but to diagnose and then offer a course of treatment that might lead to a cure.
Diagnoses were holistic
Cayce’s diagnoses would involve him going into a self-induced hypnotic trance, after which the patient’s condition would be described to him. A diagnosis expressed in medical terminology would follow and then a recommendation for treatment. From the very beginning, Cayce and his associates insisted that the treatments be administered by local doctors. Many of Cayce’s prescriptions were extremely simple: massage, relaxation, tonics, diet, poultices, exercises, plasters, and home-made teas and tonics. Cayce’s philosophy behind his trance healing work was a holistic one, meaning that he saw the body a ‘system’, an interconnected network of organs and tissue and if one part was not functioning properly then it would affect the rest. In essence, Cayce would treat the cause and not the effect, helping the health of the entire system to defeat the disorder, though suggestion must surely have played a part in the successful treatment of patients. He was nicknamed ‘The sleeping prophet.”

Sources of Information from the Akashic Records
When he was questioned about his source of information, Cayce replied that there were two sources. He described one as being the Collective Consciousness and the other being the personal consciousness of the client that he was reading for. In an effort to describe how to access the Akashic Records, Cayce stated that it was possible for people to attune to them. He expanded by likening it to the way a radio could be built to tune into radio waves.
How the Akashic Records are written
In one of his readings, Cayce attempted to explain how the Records are “written”. He revealed that any action, thought, desire or deed created a type of vibration. This then leaves a mark on (what Cayce called) the skein of space and time. He also stated that this mark is permanently identified with the individual responsible.
Edgar Cayce and his journey to the Hall of Akashic Records
When asked about how he accesses the Halls of Akashic Records, Cayce reveals a very specific journey that was personal to him. He talks about seeing himself as a tiny dot traveling up a ray of white light. He tells of the utter loneliness that he feels on his journey. The journey ascends through several levels. At the first level, he witnesses grotesque forms and shapes. As he ascends, the shapes take on the forms of misshapen humans and then grey hooded individuals. Gradually these become lighter in color. Then the direction changes and he begins to see houses and trees, towns and cities. He then hears the sounds of rumblings that turn into laughter, music and bird song. The colors become brighter and there is a sound of wonderful music. As the colors and sound merge, Cayce suddenly becomes aware of a hall of records. He describes it as a hall without walls or ceiling. There is an old man who hands him a book
about the person that he is reading for.

Sometimes only limited information was available
Once he has the book, Edgar Cayce selects the information that is most appropriate and beneficial to his client. Sometimes only a small portion would be accessible. However, this information would turn out to be the “most helpful and hopeful.” Clients who received this limited information would sometimes return for a further reading. They would then receive further insights and information once they had attempted to work with the information previously supplied.
Past, Present and future
Edgar Cayce ascertained that the Akashic Records contained the information not only from our past. It also contained information regarding present and future events. The recordings suggest that we are the authors of our own lives. This is made real by our thoughts, deeds, and interactions with the rest of creation
The Akashic Records and our Relationship with the Universe
The information from the Akashic Records has such an impact on our lives and potentials. It provides insights into our nature and our relationship to the universe. Our histories become more relevant and our influence on determining our futures, more potent.
Final Prophecies
By 1944 Cayce was overrun and exhausted by the thousands of requests for help he was now receiving. However, he felt he could not refuse mothers requesting news of their sons out on World War II battlefields. The last reading Cayce ever made, on 17 September 1944, was for himself
and explained that it was time to stop working and rest. On New Year’s Day, 1945, Cayce foretold that he would be buried on the fifth of January. He was right. He died on 3rd January, at the age of sixty-seven.
Edgar Cayce - Legacy
At his death in 1945 there were over 14,000 stenographic records of trance readings for over 8,000 people. The Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc., founded in 1931 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, is now the international headquarters for the work of Edgar Cayce and holds copies of over 14,000 of Edgar Cayce’s readings all of which are available to the public.
Further Information about the Akashic Records
To obtain further information please explore the rest of my website. It contains a lot of information about the Akashic Records and other spiritual matters.
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