Who are your Spirit Guides and how can you meet them

What are spirit guides?
A Spirit guide may come from many sources. Your guide might be a deceased relative who communicates with you in a way that you recognize. Some Spirit Guides are with you for your whole life and others appear to help you to through various spiritual tasks. Guides often take on the appearance of traditional teachers or narrators. You might see them as religious figures, such as a nun or a monk, some take the form of a Native American or a tribal leader like a wise woman or shaman.
They may appear in dreams, bring messages and ideas directly into your mind or guide your intuition in a certain direction when decisions need to be made.
You might have an animal spirit guide. This may be an animal that wants you to have the characteristics that it represents. A bear would bring strength, a wolf would bring characteristics of leadership and a butterfly would bring those of transformation. You may also see the spirit of a deceased pet that will bring you comfort and loyalty.
Some people work with Ascended Masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Saint Germaine or Serapis Bey.
Others connect to nature realms and feel their guides’ energy is more like that from the faerie kingdoms; whilst others feel a strong connection to inter-dimensional or alien beings.
Personally, I thank that Spirit Guide takes on the form that is appealing to the human. I have friends whose Guides are Native Americans, Buddhist Monks and from other ‘exotic’ cultures. I have one friend whose Guide appears to them like a cloud. That particular friend is very comfortable working with her cloud Guide. She believes that our guides are just different aspects of our higher selves She also presents a highly credible case to support this theory.
Most people believe that our spirit guides are wiser and kindly beings who have volunteered to help us on our path knowing their reward is to witness and share in our spiritual growth.
What is the role of my Spirit Guide?

In each lifetime we have lessons to learn and events to experience. This is to help our souls to grow. Our spirit guides will help as much as they can to ensure we get the opportunities to experience whatever we need to grow in these areas.
Students often ask me about the roles of their Spirit Guides and I always give the same advice. A guide is just that, A GUIDE!!! They may appear to be wiser than you or to know more than you. However, this is your life and it is up to you whether or not you accept or reject their advice.
A Spirit Guide cannot force you to do anything. A guide can only help with opportunities or try to steer you in the right direction for your own benefit. I have had students say to me that they can’t do a certain thing because their guide won’t let them. I know that this is untrue. Guides never act in this manner. They can advise caution but can never prevent you from acting against your free will. I will advise the student to sit with their guide or allow me to talk to their guide for clarification. This usually results in the truth being revealed and it was never anything to do with their guides!
How can I meet my spirit guide?
A visualization to connect you with your Spirit Guide

Visualization to meet your Spirit Guide
To obtain further information please look around the rest of my website. There are quite a lot of articles regarding spiritual matters, particularly relating to the Akashic Records.
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