How to Channel your Spirit Guides

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A step by step look at how to channel your spirit guides

by Neil Burgess
Channel your spirit guides

Channeling your Spirit Guides

If you are wanting to learn how to channel your Spirit Guides it means that you are progressing with your spiritual life. Whether this is in the process of mediumship, developing your intuition, or channeling from the Akashic Records, the same techniques are used.
With channeling, we form a close relationship with our Spirit Guides. We get to know and love them as friends. They are always with us and help us more than we at first realize. They understand our purpose better than we do because they have so much knowledge and they are also very wise. They can give us advice and open our lives up to new opportunities that we may have missed .

Allow Spirit Guides to enter thoughts

If you wish to deepen your relationships with, and wish to channel your Spirit Guides you must allow them to enter into our thoughts and make them more real. At first, you need to use your imagination to “see or hear” them. (See other articles about how to contact your Spirit Guides.) You need to build up your trust with them. This is where a teacher would be helpful. A teacher could watch, encourage and advise.

Take a back seat

When we channel our Spirit Guides, our minds simply take a back seat and allow the thoughts of our guides to come through. We can witness communication and learn from it. However, if the information that is channeled takes a long time, for instance, with an Akashic Records reading then it becomes really difficult to remember what has been said and you will probably need to record it in some way.

Allow our own thoughts to intervene

During the course of channeling your Spirit Guides you can allow your own thoughts to intervene if necessary. Be careful with this because you may continue speaking afterward, thinking that you are channeling, but you would only be channeling your own thoughts and not those of our Higher Self or guides.

Inspired/ automatic writing

channel your spirit guides
The easiest way to start channeling is through inspired or automatic writing. Inspired and automatic writing is the process of inviting a Spirit Guide into your creative space and then channel the inspiration of that spirit through writing.

Set your intention

Always have an intention before you begin, a question about something that you want insight into. Prepare yourself to let go of the writing process. You need to empty your mind of any prepared answers. Sit down and try to relax.

Don’t think, just write

When you feel ready then write down your question. Immediately after you have finished writing the question begin writing the answer. This is difficult at first, but after some practice, it becomes easier. If you pause and think then you will use your own thoughts to answer the question. You must write the first things that enter your mind, and write them down quickly.

Don’t hesitate

If you hesitate then the likelihood is that you have not got a good connection with your Spirit Guide. You may need to meditate for a while before you start to write. You will know when you begin channel your Spirit Guides as the writing will flow very quickly

Simple Questions

Start with simple questions. You can ask your guides, their names, details, etc. Ask how they would like to communicate with you in the future. Ask if there is any advice that they can give you to speed up or enhance the process. Then, slowly, progress to more complex questions .

No pressure

The beauty of this technique is that there is no pressure to perform as this process is usually undertaken in private. Another advantage of using this technique is that you will have a record of your progress and will be able to keep the answers to refer to at a later date.

The spoken word

Channeling by using the spoken word is a lot more challenging. It takes time to learn to channel smoothly. A lot of practice is needed and you will need to approach the process slowly. You will also need to learn how to remove any blocks that may prevent you from allowing ‘another being” to communicate through you.

Protect yourself

Before attempting to channel you should always ask your guides for protection, or you can use the protection exercises in this article. The intention of the white light is to only allow positive energy into your aura.


There is an added pressure of having other people witness your channeling unless you are just doing it for yourself and recording it. There is always a doubt that the connection may not happen. If you have an audience waiting for some words of wisdom it may make you nervous.

Always be honest

You may feel a lot of pressure to perform, to meet your audience’s expectations. If, after a short time, your guides do not seem to be connecting with you then it is best, to be honest about it. Never try to “wing it” and just start speaking! You will be found out and your integrity will be in shreds! People will think more of you, and respect you if you are honest, even if they are disappointed.

Be prepared

This may sound like an ordeal, but you must be made aware of it before any situation like this arises. If you are fully prepared then you will be able to handle it better.


Channeling should not be treated as a game or a fun thing to do. It comes with a lot of responsibility both to yourself and your clients. Treat it with respect and you will reap the rewards.


Being able to channel for clients is a privilege both for you and them. If it is done correctly the information received can be invaluable. I channel from the Akashic Records and every time I receive new information for my clients it adds to my own knowledge base.

Throat Chakra

channel your spirit guides
To channel with the spoken word you may need to do some exercises to open up your throat chakra. This will make it easier to channel smoothly.

The Throat Chakra at a Glance

Name in Sanskrit: Vishuddha meaning “especially pure”

Location: The region of the throat, jaw, neck, mouth, and thyroid

Color: Blue

Opening the Throat Chakra

Burn Vishuddha incense and essential oils.

Aromatherapy has powerful healing properties that tap into the sense of self. To open the throat chakra, burn ether incense, essential oils, and candles like frankincense, geranium, jasmine, sage, cypress, peppermint, eucalyptus, clove, tree tea, and lavender.

Yoga helps connect the spiritual and physical of the body through postures, called asanas. Connecting to the breath while holding asanas helps to release tension and bring energy to the area of the throat and thyroid. Throat chakra poses include camel, plow, cat-cow with lion’s breath, shoulder stand, and fish pose.

To Summarise

Start with inspirational writing. If you want to Channel the spoken word then you need to have a close connection with your Spirit Guide. Relax, allow the thought of your guide to enter your
mind. Just start speaking and record what is said. Practice a lot.

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